04 December, 2014

Slavery Was Supposed To Be Abbolished

I bet you didn’t know that slavery still happens. It affects the likely total of 35 million people around the world. A huge region in which slavery takes place is West Africa. In fact, at this very moment it’s likely that there are people in Senegal protesting for Mauritania to release close to a dozen activists against slavery. On that hand, I think that the protesters are doing the right thing. I also think that the activists were too, before they got put in jail. As I don’t believe in slavery at all either, I think that there was nothing wrong with what they were doing.

In addition, Mauritania has the highest slavery rate on the globe, with 4% of the population. That’s very high, and I think that it should 0%. When is it ok to use other people to your own advantage, or to work them to the bone? I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get my head around it.

Do you feel that slavery is something that should continue on through the future?


  1. I was shocked when I read this. I knew there was some slavery still in the world, but that much? It just proves how cruel our world can be! People should understand that we're all equal no matter what. Even if we look, dress, or think different, we are all human. This just proves that the world needs to change, and fast. I think that slavery should be gone for good, never to be seen again. It's horrible what the bad people in our world do. How do you think people can help stop this terrible injustice?

  2. It is Surprising to see that a country still supports the idea of slavery. Most people would agree that everyone has a right to live their life the way they want to. It also shocking to see one single country has 4% of the world population of slaves, even though there are far more than 10 or 30 countries in the world. It's also shocking to see a large population support the idea of using slaves to do random task.


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