05 December, 2014


Richard Turere had an very bright idea one day when he realized that the lions attacking the cattle in his village did not attack when people were around ,and came to the conclusion the they were stopped by the moving light. After he came to that conclusion he put up a fence made of many leds, car blinkers,and other lights which in turn were powered by solar panels that charged car batteries that sent power to the lights making them light up.  Soon the rest of the village was asking him to do the same to the place their cattle were kept.  Richards’ invention got him a scholarship to Brookhouse school.  Although Lion Lights is meant for lions it could possibly be used for other predators like leopards and cheetahs.  Do you think you could have thought of that.

1 comment:

  1. Did you also know he tried two other ideas to keep the lions away. he first tried fire, but that helped the lions see better. Then he tried to trick them with a scarecrow. It tricked the lions the first time but the second time they killed all the animals.


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