03 December, 2014

Ebola Not On Fleek!

The dangerous virus that has struck upon us and has everyone going crazy is called Ebola. Ebola is a very contagious virus that has originated from West Africa. It has also spreaded to a few states in the United States. It has rapidly become the deadliest occurrence of the disease since its discovery in 1976. With this disease there are many effects, headache, fever and joint and muscle pain. Until November 23, 5,689 people had been reported as having died from the disease in the following six countries; Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone,Nigeria , The United States and Mali.In fact the total number of reported cases is 15,000. Ebola is my fear...do you fear Ebola too?


  1. I like it! I think that Ebola is an interesting topic to talk about. I think that it’s interesting that everyone started caring even more after it made it’s way over to the U.S. I think it’s cool for us as kids to be talking about it, because we have a different view than adults. BUt also, did you know that when you cross the border from the U.S. to Canada the officers ask you about Ebola. They ask if you have been to any of three main countries carrying Ebola, or if you think you have been in contact with anyone who you might think has it. I’m not afraid of Ebola, and I hope and believe we can cure it.

  2. Good job Jetoria. You know what I always wonder? If people knew about Ebola when it was first found around the 1970s, how come everyone's making such a big deal about it now? I hope they find a real cure for it, in my blog I said how they have no real cure and to keep the patients alive they're just giving them antibiotics and drugs, sometimes you need more than that. I believe that if you take care of yourself and wash your hands all the time that you will be less likely to get Ebola.


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