08 December, 2014


In africa there was an outbreak of ebola. Some people died because they didn't know how to stop it. I have no idea if they know how it happened because i really didn't feel like reading a really big article about it. So basically people were/still are freaking out about ebola. The same thing with ebola happened before and they figured out how to stop it from making people die. Do you think that ebola is going to get worst?  

1 comment:

  1. Hey Abbie! My blog is also about Ebola, so I’ll tell you a little bit about the tragic disease. One thing you should probably know is that it is in West Africa right now. Another thing you should know is how it spreads. The Ebola virus spreads when an uninfected person comes in contact with an infected person’s body liquid such as saliva or blood. One last thing you should know are what the symptoms of the disease are. First, you will get a headache, fever, sore throat, and you will start to vomit. Next, you will start to get rashes, your organs won’t function correctly, and you will have internal and external bleeding. You will eventually realize that you have Ebola and you need serious medical help. Do you know about any other diseases like Ebola?


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