04 December, 2014

African Elephants


What's new Africa? Well 30 years ago Kenya successfully created the Elephant Orphanage. The orphanage was created to help little elephants that have been abandoned or their mothers have past because of the poachers. These little elephants come from all over the country. When a baby elephant is left alone it can only survive a couple days without its mother.In addition the elephants are with their keeper almost 24/7 in their own personal room ,getting massages, and eating special milk . Afterwards when they are all grown up they are sent back into the wild. Would you like to be one of those special elephants?

1 comment:

  1. Great post Sabrina! Did you know in Africa elephants are the most sacred animals. Also a baby elephant's brain is 45% the size of an average adult elephant. A baby elephant is also 2-4% the size of an average adult baby. If you observe a baby and a mother elephant you relieve that they are attached to each other for a longer time than many other animals.


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