04 December, 2014

Can we cure Ebola?

We all know Ebola is bad, but can we stop it? Firstly, how many people have died from ebola, the answer is 7,000 and counting. The outbreak started in western Africa, but everyone was freaking out because they're afraid it will come to America. Are you kidding me!? Do we not care about anyone but ourselves? Next, what about the people in Africa who could have everyone on their block die from this disease. What now, the point is Africans need help. Lastly, What can we do?  Well, now a new medicine has been developed to help Ebola patients it will be tested in New Guinea, Cross your fingers! What do you think about Ebola?


  1. I agree with you completely Jonah. Ebola is a serious disease that must be treated with caution and not to be underestimated. As you said earlier, it’s sad that once it came here into America, it suddenly became known to the public and people started freaking out. Sadly, there is no vaccine or cure for the deadly disease yet but treating symptoms can increase chance of survival. Which is part-complete cure. Anyways, what do you think should be done to wipe this disease out of humanity like we did to smallpox?

  2. Jonah… I really like your post because it has A LOT of good points about ebola. We all know that there is a one to 5 hundred ratio from getting ebola. I also hope that the medicine works in New Guinea! Your paper also seems to be very well researched so good job! To sum everything up I think your paper is a very well written info sheet about ebola. In the end what do you think will be the cure for ebola?


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