08 December, 2014

Africa has well over one-thousand languages. For me I think it would be hard to live with so many languages around. Of course in North America there are many people who can speak a different language, but they would also know English. There everyone would speak a different language. If you want to travel to a town you might have to learn another language. To me that would be troublesome. Well I guess that's life.


  1. I can see how that is very annoying considering if you wanted to go tour Africa you'd have to learn at least a 3 languages to just travel a couple towns. But if you look at the more tourist oriented you'd only need one language because most languages around those parts have minor differences.

  2. I agree with you Rachel there is lot of languages in Africa. But if you are going there you don't have to know all these languages because you want be there for long, and how you are going to communicate is with English as you said there is a lot of languages in Africa and I 'm sure that is one of them is English so you might have a little trouble in the beginning but you would find it easy in the end. So are you willing to take that chance?


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