04 December, 2014

Back to Egypt... and Rome?

As you can tell by the title, I decided to take another look at Egypt and just how different it  was to see from modern day. Lets get this out of the way,we could easily see that there was a women as a ruler. You probably think “so what?”, well you've probably heard by now equal rights for women. This shows that women had (somewhat) equal rights until the Sparta and Athens era. Hatshepsut was also known as most successful pharaoh. I couldn't help but wonder what made women “below” men. I found that romans started it all. What if the romans didn't start the women “below” men thing, and if so many people hate it, then why is it still alive.

1 comment:

  1. I have seen that. That's huge because they didn't have these before, they barely were allowed to live back then, let alone rule the land. Because people are dumb in the sense of we think whatever we say is right and no-one gets a say but you in it. That's a problem with a lot of people.


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