04 December, 2014

The First Human-to-Human Heart Transplant

Dr. Barnard was a cardiac surgeon he performed the first successful human-to-human heart transplant. One of his four brother died at the age of 5 from a hat problem, so when he got older he wanted to study medicine. In 1956 he received a two-year scholarship to the University of Minnesota to study cardiothoracic surgery.He performed the second successful kidney transplant in 1967.But, before he gave a human a heart transplant he gave over 50 dogs heart transplant. Finally, on December 3, 1967 a operation assisted by his brother a operation that lasted nine hours with a team of thirty people he performed the first successful human-to-human heart transplant. Isn't that cool?


  1. Great blog! I looked Dr. Barnard up and found that he and his brother were very successful in their life. It looks like Marius Barnard was the inventor creator of Critical Illness Insurance. The Barnard family must be considered heroes in not only Africa but everywhere. I am wondering what the Hat problem is that his brother suffered from though?


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