04 December, 2014

Even A Trip To The Market Can Be Dangerous...

Could you imagine what it would be like to go to the market in the morning and not be sure if you’ll still be alive the same afternoon?
Just last Tuesday, there were two teenage suicide bombers, both girls, who are believed to be linked with the Nigerian Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram, that blew themselves up, killing at least 30 people at a crowded market in Maiduguri (northeastern Nigeria in the state of Borno).
According to Abba Aji Kalli (Borno’s state Civilian Joint Task Force coordinator), the first bomber set off her explosives and killed three women. Then while people nearby gathered to see what had happened, the second bomber let out a scream and set off her explosives, this time killing dozens more people.
Then on Sunday, there was another suicide bombing at a mobile phone market in Azare (state of Bauchi). The bomber killed 10 people and injured 60 others.
Now I know I already asked this, but do any of you really think that you could deal with situations like this almost everyday of your life?


  1. I would never be able to deal with situations like this. If there was violence occurring more than once a day I would be to scared to walk out of my house. In only a week, 247 people have been killed by different terrorist acts of the Boko Haram. After reading two articles on your topic, I have noticed that in many of their attacks they have used teenage girls as their suicide bombers. Do you know why they use girls as their suicide bombers?

    1. Yeah, the reason a lot of terrorist groups use teenage girls as suicide bombers is because teenage girls tend to not raise as much suspicion, so therefore it's easier for them to kill people.

    2. True...and isn't that simply awful?
      : (


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