04 December, 2014


Well if you're reading this, it probably means you clicked on mine. Well let’s start.
Africa, as you probably know there's a big outbreak happening, and Ebola is ruling Africa with an iron fist. Though, I’m not here to chat about that. I’m going to talk about the beautiful and amazing things about Africa. I don’t know what you think, but there is a lot more to Africa than just Ebola and slavery. First I want to discuss about the animals there. I mean, seriously, have you ever seen animal planet? To think, there are people who actually get to witness the lionesses hunt and feed. Of course there are other animals like giraffes, gazelles, hyenas, but lions are at the top of the food chain. Did you know there are about 300 categories of mammal, not including the 858 species of birds?Wow. Second thing I want babble about is some hard core facts. (Not really hard core.) Anyways, there are about 20,000 type of plants. The Sardine run has the biggest migration in the world, and in 2010, Cape town was voted the best city in the world. Also, its been estimated about 80% of mammalian fossil dinosaurs were found in Karoo, Southern Africa. Okay, I don’t want to bore you to death. Last thing, tell me, what is the percentage of the worlds gold found in Africa?


1 comment:

  1. OMG 20k plants thats a ton of plants.I also wish that we had giraffes in Okemos.
    Nearly 900 types birds, thats more birds than the amount of kids in our school.. Imagine
    the halls if one of every bird from Africa was in there it would be SO crowded. Oh btw your ? is in 2002 it was 15%.


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