04 December, 2014

A Panicked Kenya

There was a blow up in Kiambu, a small town in Kenya, about a lady that was having Ebola symptoms. She called her neighbor telling her that she needed to be taken to the hospital immediately but her neighbor refused to help. After that, she went catch a matatu (a car kind of like a bus) to go to the hospital. When she got to the hospital no one, including police and chiefs, were willing to help her in fear that they would get the virus. She died at the hospital. Later a doctor found out that she did not have ebola and she had haemorrhagic fever whose symptoms are very similar to ebola. Do you think that the doctors should’ve helped her anyways?


  1. Wow! This is a really sad but interesting topic! To be honest though, if I saw someone who had Ebola-like symptoms, I would be pretty scared and reluctant to help them because I wouldn’t want to risk getting the disease. I do think that it was kind of wrong for NO ONE to help the lady though. I also looked up a few news articles on this story, and I found that there have actually been many incidents where people have developed or died of Ebola-like symptoms in Kenya. The article also said that there have actually been no real Ebola cases reported in Kenya since the outbreak of the disease.

  2. Cool story Kelly! I think the doctors should of helped her, because just because they thought she had Ebola doesn’t mean they don’t have to care for her. If they are scared they shouldn’t just let her die Some similar symptoms between Hemorrhagic Fever and Ebola include bleeding from eyes, ears and nose and rash.


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