04 December, 2014

The King of Skype.

                                                The King of Skype

            Did you know that the king of a tribe in Southeastern Ghana is from Germany? His royal Highness Togbe Ngoryifa Cephas Kosi Bansah, [whew, try saying that 5 times fast], came from Germany as an exchange student. He ended up staying, after falling in love with his wife Gabrielle. Bansah was crowned King in 1987.

        He was chosen over his brother and father because, [a reason most Americans would laugh at]. They were both left-handed, and to the people of Ghana an attribute that makes them unclean and dishonest. The King governs his kingdom via Skype. This is easier than going to Ghana since the ruler lives in Germany. He makes at least 6 trips per year to his kingdom, and spends several hours at night discussing tribal politics on Skype. 

       In fact, several days ago, the King's house in Ludwigshafen, Germany was broken into. The thieves took almost all of the royal regalia, including 4 crowns and chains. The thieves had come up onto the balcony, pried open the door, smashed the cabinets, and ransacked everything. King Bansah told the U.K's Times Newspaper, that "the items were several hundred years old and irreplaceable". To sum up, The total estimate of the items came to about $12,000. Imagine if you were a king and had your crowns stolen, what would you do?

        66-Year-Old Living in Germany Is a King in Africa, Rules via Skype ...


  1. I love your blog. That is such a silly way to pick a king. That is a lot of expensive stuff that they stole. If my crown was stolen I would have locked myself in a room and scream at the top of my lungs. Did they even try any other way to pick the king or did they just pick them by who was a lefty or who was a righty?

    1. The king was chosen from the royal family. But that guy was the only right handed man who was in the royal family. All kings, queens etc. are always picked from the royal family.

  2. If I were King Togbe Ngoryifa Cephas Kosi Bansah I would call one of the best detectives money can buy. I would also get the state police on the job. I would search for any further damage because if I was King Togbe I would be 66 years old and not want to take the harder job of helping track down the thieves. I would also be scared because they broke into my house. I’d be ruling 200,000 people or more by Skype so I’d have to act pretty calm when I Skype colleagues, elders, or whoever else I Skype with. Would you be able to act brave about your house being broken into?

    1. Imagine having to be president of the US without leaving the white house. Just to be using Skype you'd attend elections, tours. [ A good time to sneak a video game! ] Imagine the amount of stress on you. But it could also have a plus. If a epidemic occurs it'd be easier to stay inside and communicate with Skype.


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