05 December, 2014

Ebola, still?

Yes, in Africa they still have the whole Ebola situation. The health organization is about to try something new. They are having the people in Africa dink a lot of liquids containing salt. 4 liters or more a day! Apparently re-hydration helps treat cholera outbreaks and diarrhoeal disease across the globe, keeping the person alive and their body fights the infection. Also Guinea, Sierra Leon, and Siberia are the main places in Africa that have the Ebola virus spreading right now. At least its not in the U.S. anymore, right?


  1. Nice. I don't know how effective drinking basically salt-water would be but there are two, count ‘em two possible vaccinations undergoing evaluation. You might know this virus as Ebola but it can be referred to as EVD for Ebola virus disease. So Ebola is the short-word (shorthand + word) for EFD. Hopefully it will get a vaccine and therefore get better controlled.

  2. That's good how they are still trying to cure Ebola. Since they don't show it on the news anymore I think they have almost cured it. A disease like this is very dangerous and hopefully other countries are also helping with USA. I believe in our government, they can help stop this outbreak. What does salt water do?


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