04 December, 2014


There are a lot of really interesting things about Africa, but I decide to write about Egypt, and what is more fascinating than Cleopatra. First, if you guys didn’t already know Cleopatra was an egyptian pharaoh, but not any pharaoh. She is known to history as the last active pharaoh of Ancient Egypt. Lastly, Cleopatra originally ruled jointly with her father, Ptolemy XII Auletes, and later with her brothers, Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV, whom she married as per Egyptian custom, but eventually she became the only ruler. These are only some of many cool facts about Cleopatra. What other facts do you know about Cleopatra?


  1. Did you know most people think Cleopatra died after being bitten by an asp? This isn't true, she died after killing herself with a poisoned hairpin. I know, I know, that people say that their were two "bite marks" on her throat. But these were the mark of a hairpin. Also, Cleopatra had a connection with Caesar, but after Caesar was killed she fled from Rome. Afterwards she had a love affair with Mark Antony. When the Romans invaded Egypt, Cleopatra locked herself in her chambers with her ladies in waiting. She piled wood around, and threatened to set fire. The Romans used Mark to enter the chamber, but he died in Cleopatra's arms from a wound to the stomach.
    The Romans finally broke in, and found Cleo dead on the sofa. With two pricks on her throat, and in her hand was a poisoned hairpin. The lady in waiting only had time to put a wreath of flowers on Cleo's neck when she dropped dead too. Would you rather be bitten by a snake or by a poisoned hairpin?

  2. Did you know that once her father died and she was ruler along with her brother that
    Egypt had a lot of issues like an unhealthy economy, floods and famine? Complications later arose between Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII. Later Cleopatra went to Syria where she made an army to have the throne to herself. With the help of Ceasar, Cleopatra and him defeated Ptolemy and his forces and restored Cleopatra to the throne. Would you have tried to defeat your brother so you could have full power?


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