04 December, 2014


I was planning on writing about Egyptian volleyball, volleyball being my favorite sport and all, but instead I decided to write about something else. You know that African boy that answered 21 to the question “what’s nine plus ten”? Well, his name is Habeeb Cisse and he ran away because people called him stupid. Before he ran away, he left a note:
“I tired of everyone lafing(laughing) at me, I running away forever now, if yu(you) want to find me the only clue I leaving is 21”
Afterwards, the video of him answering 21 to the question “what’s nine plus ten” went viral. Now everybody is making remixes to the video and ringtones etc. They thought it was funny. They didn’t know they’d cause someone to run away though. In my opinion, we should make a difference this world. It could change someone’s life in a positive way.  What would you like to do to make a difference?


  1. Hi Bella! I enjoyed reading your post. Although it was quite depressing, it proved a very clear point: some things may be funny to you, but to the person doing it, it could be considered bullying. Habeeb Cisse, (the boy from the video), was intimidated by everyone calling him dumb or stupid and laughing at him. He left a note telling everyone that he was running away forever, but he left a clue: the number 21. Honestly, I think a clue is exceedingly clever. If I were to run away, I would leave a clue. Would you?

    1. Sorry about the depressing post... I would definitely leave a clue at least. I wouldn't know what to do or where to go if I ran away.

  2. Hey Bella, I found your post quite interesting and very very sad. I clicked on the link and did some research. All the funny re-mixes and ringtones on Vine and all over the internet are horrible, it’s like cyber bullying and also humiliation. From people in class laughing everytime they hear the number “21” to people laughing about it in the halls, I am a person who is against that laughing in class and in the halls, it’s not fair. In a way I understand why the boy from the video ran away, it’s horrible. He left one clue which read “21” right? Well at least he left a clue so at least he can get a chance of being found and that if he does he gets the respect that he deserves not all these videos all over Vine. Instead of running away I would talk to someone, what would you do?

    1. I would too. Running away might be too much for me. Also I know it was a bit depressing, but I just really don't enjoy the cyber bullying.


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