08 December, 2014


Berber, Arabic, Igbo, Swahili, Hausa, Amharic, and Yoruba are all languages that are spoken in Africa. If you don’t know any of these languages and you're planning to visit Africa one day it won't be easy . But don’t worry many people in Africa speak English. The most popular languages in Africa are Arabic Yoruba and Swahili so you want to know some phrases in these languages that could help you communicate there. So are you going to visit Africa one day?

1 comment:

  1. Great job Saba! I don’t speak most of the well popular languages spoken in Africa, so it depends if I would go. Truly I do want to visit Africa, but I don't know when I would go or how I would get there? I hope I get the chance to go to Africa one day because it would be a delightful experience! I also hope I could bring you along with me to go and see Africa as well! So do you want to go to Africa with me and try to learn how to speak african?


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