04 December, 2014

Africa's wild adventure

The most known about thing in Africa is Ebola. Ebola is a virus that traps many people in Africa. But I’m not going to talk about ebola, Africa has many more amazing secrets about it than nasty ebola. For instance African continent is the oldest populated area in the world. Next, Africa is the second largest continent covering 30 million square kilometers. Finally, Giraffes, Lion, Zebra, Gorilla, Chimpanzee, and hippopotamus are only found in Africa. All in all Africa is mostly known for the bad but if you look through all of the sickness Africa is a pretty cool place.

Do you think Africa sounds like a fun safari?


  1. Yes, I totally agree that Africa is a cool place. But would you really go there for a vacation? Imagine, you could get sick with not only Ebola, but malaria and Yellow Fever. Of course, I would love to go and visit, but the risk of getting these diseases is too big for me. There are some really cool places there, though, like the Table Mountain and the Victorian Falls!! Also, the Sphinx, Great Pyramids, and the Cradle of Humankind. So, would you still go to Africa, even though there's a risk of disease?

  2. I think Africa is really unique, all the animals are so amazing. I don't know whether or not I would want to go there. On the bright side, Africa has many animals that I will never see at home, except in zoos. I could go in a hot air balloon and watch the rare wildlife below. Or, I could visit Lake Malawi and scuba dive with 1,300 different species of tropical fish! I might want to go there when I'm older. Where would you go to in Africa?


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