04 December, 2014

Impressive Inventor 13 Year Old In Kenya

In Maasai’s society, Richard Turere, a young creative inspiring resolutive boy lives with his family and friends, and conflict with cattle being immensely critical to them all. Yet, lions trike oftenly and he must have to find out a resolution fast before everybodies live stock would be no more. In this short, motivational speech, the brilliant youthful creator shares the solar-powered motion sensor solution he designed to cautiously alert the lions to flae away without danger involved. In support of this he studied the well known lions’ movements when they started hunting, for he was well versed in how the lions reacted to his marvelous but downhill traps. Whether or not Richard was yet declined another one of his pitfalls by the lions he was driven persistently to find a way to remove the cattle from the idea of dinner to the lions. Subsequently Turere realized he should set up secure flickering strobe lights that are solar powered and motion detected, right after he knew the lions were unsure and frightened by the unusual scene of these crazy popping out circular white lights! Afterwards people heard what Richard Turere had designed, they immediately crazed for the whatchamacallit gizmo immensely. As soon it got word of, Turere seemed almost famous and earned himself a scholarship to the most agile nimble school in Maasai. Do you think Richard Turere really deserved that scholarship and will do well in life and why do you think so?

1 comment:

  1. I really good I really like it. I think he does deserve the scholarship, because he came up with a really good invention that kept lions away from his fathers animals. I think he will do well because he seems really smart. Also because he comes up with really cool ideas.


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