04 December, 2014

African Giraffes may be extinct

The Giraffes, Africa’s gentle giants of the African plain may go  extinct because of the hunters hunting for bush meat. I think it is cruel that hunters will kill a gentle race to extinction, giraffes are gentle and vegetarians. In 15 years, the African  Giraffes went from 140,000 to fewer than 80,000, in a course of 15 years, the African Giraffes population dropped about 40 percent. At this rate, the African Giraffes will be or very close to extinction in the 15-30 years. The sad part is, before no one was making a an effort to stop hunters, but now fortunately we  have the GCF or The Giraffe Conservation Foundation, so now we have a protection for African Giraffes.  If you were to start an organization to save animals, which animals would you save?   

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