03 December, 2014

Richard Turere: Making Peace Between Animals

Richard Turere is from Kenya, he lives by the Nairobi National Park, and is 13 years old. In the park, lions were killing and eating cows, zebras, and other animals that kids like Richard were responsible for. Finally, Richard has had enough. The park started killing 1 in 6 lions that they had. Still, he was responsible for his dad’s cows so he needed to find a solution. His first idea was fire,but that only helped the lions see through the cowshed. His next idea was to use a scarecrow, it would keep them back the first day, but eventually they realize that it isn't moving. One day, he walked around with a torch, the lions didn't come that day. He realized that lions are afraid of moving light. He got a car battery an indicator box (a little thing inside motorcycles that work turn signals), and a light switch. He hooks it up to a solar panel, so when he turns the light on, the indicator box blinked. and that worked to keep the lions away.

Richard got a scholarship to go to one of the best schools in Kenya, Brookhouse International School. Now, the school is helping him with fundraisers and raising awareness. He made a change in Kenya, can you make a change here?

1 comment:

  1. Jack, I really like your post it shows clear extensive research. I’m not smart enough to make a change, but this idea seems like it has a lot of potential, What other things can this method be used for? Lastly this guy seems unknown in the world of science so I will be looking forward to see him have another great discovery. What do you think will he be the next Einstein or Benjamin Franklin? Or do you think his next idea will turn out to be the music man from the play.


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