02 December, 2014

The battle of the predators

Water is splashing everywhere, loud roars are heard from miles away! This is a rare event - two top predators of the Nile River are fighting against each other. One of them is a Nile Crocodile, a dangerous reptile who weighs about 500 lbs. His enemy, the ferocious Hippopotamus, weighs an average of 3,300 lbs – more than six times the weight of the croc! The Nile Crocodile gives a "snap" of over 60 teeth, but the hippo has one of the strongest pair of jaws in the world and can damage his enemies badly with the tusks. Suddenly, the hippo dives underwater – he is capable of holding his breath for over five minutes. However, the crocodile follows him and starts fights again. The Nile Crocs can also hold their breath for many minutes. Who do you think is going to win in this battle of predators?

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