04 December, 2014

Out for the Rhinos

So, I read the article about hunting for black rhinos, but what’s the point? It’s not anything to be proud of, you’re just killing an endangered species. It’s also annoying that people would think that this is something worth bragging about, or something that you should bet 350,000 dollars on!!! For one thing, there are only 5 black rhinos left in the world, and they only reproduce every two and a half to five years. This makes them almost extinct, and hunting them down will do nothing good for the environment. Also, it’s not hard to hunt them, seeing that they lay in the shade all through the day and hunt at night. So, my question for you is, do you think that killing a black rhino is something worth bragging about?


  1. I can’t imagine killing a rhino or any animal for that matter! Never the less bragging about it! The UK newspaper said that rhinos are “doomed to disappear from the face of the earth due to man’s folly, greed, neglect”! Did you know that rhinos are one of the oldest groups of mammals? They are practically living fossils! In just Africa, 448 rhinoceri were poached just for their horn. After dehorning, they poachers let the rhinos go. The horn does grow back eventually, but people kill the them before the horn grows back. They do it out of vengeance! Can you imagine dehorning a rhino then just killing it for no reason?


  2. No, I never have and probably will never understand the point in hunting something for fun. “Corey Knowlton is believed to be the man who paid $350,000 for the license to shoot a black rhino”. Though he says he deeply cares for animals its really hard to believe that after what he’s done. People do stupid things. “Since 1972, Dallas Safari Club; the people who auctioned the rhino, have been gathering point for hunters, conservationists and wildlife enthusiasts. Their “mission” is to conserve wildlife and wilderness lands, to educate youth and the general public and to promote and protect the rights and interests of hunters worldwide.” That is a disturbing thought in my opinion.
    Why do you think people hunt animals?


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