04 December, 2014

Innocent rhinos :( :( :( :( :(

Serious things are happening, rhino poaching is a very serious thing. The poachers are killing rhinos both adults and babies for their horns which can sell for a pretty penny. They can grind the rhino horn into a powder to be used for medicine for nose bleeds and strokes and ect.in just 2012 338 of the beasts (rhinos) were killed. Rhinos are very close to extinction and they need a lot of help from the African  police and other volunteers. Do you want to save the rhinos from extinction and from not walking on this AWESOME WORLD AGAIN? Say in the comments how you want to help.

1 comment:

  1. I just don’t understand why they would do that just for money.There are so many other resources in the world to use,why would you kill an animal just for their horns.Did you know that in total they have lost over 2600.If it were my way i would make a area where they protect rhinos and hunters are not allowed.Do you think they will ever learn or stop?


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