04 December, 2014

Plastic Bags Turned Into Lifesavers For Children

These clever women have really found a way to change their community. The  two entrepreneurs named Thato and Rea have created bags for children in their area. First, the bags start off as plastic trash just laying around where it then gets picked up and transferred to a small factory. Secondly, it is made into a textile so it can be sewed into a cheap, reusable bag. But here’s the twist, it can also be used as a flashlight. When children walk to school, it takes energy from the sun and uses it to create light night. Therefore, kids can work on homework at night and have a light with them. These bags are aimed for kids in poor families who can't afford to have such bags. These young entrepreneurs have done something good for their town. Would you do something for ours?


  1. That is a great way to transform the community positively, they really are making a difference. Its absolutely genius and is creating a brighter(pun!) future for the children. It must make the business owners very happy to see the kids happy with their product. How would you feel about affecting the community so amazingly?

  2. OK...that's amazing! Thanks for stumbling across this gem and for sharing it with us all!

  3. By the way, you copied me, but I would do something for our town. I mean, who wouldn’t? we all live here so we might as well make it better. If anything we should start now. We can clean our town and and add new stuff so that we can make our town on FLEEK.


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