03 December, 2014

Poachers killing Black Rhinos For Money

Black Rhinos are close to extinction because people are killing them and selling them for money like they sell products made from Black Rhino horns and they sell the skin for money also. Poachers in Africa or all around the world have been hunting and selling rhino body parts for a certain amount of money. Before 2014 in the year 2009, 122 rhinos were killed, then in 2010, 333 rhinos were killed, and finally in 2012, 388 rhinos were killed for money and I think that is just ridiculous. Don’t you think it’s ridiculous.


  1. Wow that is crazy, killing Black Rhinos for body parts than selling them for money, that is ridiculous. Here is a fact, in 2000, 1,000,000 Black Rhinos roamed the Savannas of Africa, in 2001, that number dropped to 2,300 Black Rhinos, that is really crazy and bad that people will kill innocent animals for money, that is cruelty. I do think is ridiculous that people would do that to any animals. How many Black Rhinos are in Africa now?

  2. Oh my golly gunthers! That is terrible! I didn’t even know that people ate rhinos! I don't understand why anyone would like to kill something so beautiful. Everyone is so focused on money and electronics that they don't have time to appreciate real life and the beauty of where they live. I wish I lived in a place like Africa, it is gorgeous. The people destroyed it. Did you know that only an estimated amount of 10 Black Rhinos are left! TEN RHINOS LEFT. It started out as millions. What is next?! Elephants? Lions? PEOPLE? I hope Black Rhinos don't go extinct.

    1. Actually, their are still about 5,000 Black Rhinos left. Their is no species of Rhino that has 10 rhinos. The closest thing to that is the Javan Rhino, which has around 60 left.

  3. It is not the meat that drives the desire to kill these beautiful creatures, it is the horns. How sad. truly, truly sad.


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