04 December, 2014

The Bees and the Tortoise

The bees had made a new drum. As everyone knows, bees love to dance, the bees danced and hummed the rhythm to their well-strung drum song. Immediately, all the other animals approached the bees hive dancing and humming the beat of the song, the other animals were hoping to be invited to join the bees; but the bees kept the celebration all to themselves. The lion, the elephant, the leopard, the hartebeest, the buffalo, the antelope, the hog, and the tortoise also made an appearance. After the animals listened and listened to the music of the drum they grew so fond of the new drum that the animals decided to steal it. The lion made the first move but failed after getting stung and chased away by bees. All the animals tried to steal the new drum but only ended up getting chased away by all the bees. Next the tortoise offered to try, the bees laughed. The tortoise ignored them, went into the hive and told the bees that he was a master at the drum. He played beautifully after the bees gave him permission to play the new drum, which made him happy. Suddenly, the drum had disappeared, the clever tortoise sneaked it under his shell. The tortoise tried to excuse himself, and the bees kept trying to sting him but he was protected to well (by his shell). Because of his protection from the bees, that is why he had the confidence to steal the drum unlike everyone else who had failed. What's your favorite fairytale?


  1. I love how none of the animals could get the drum, but when the tortoise tried, they laughed at him/her and the tortoise got it! The tortoise proved them wrong! My favorite fairytale is Hansel and Gretel because I believe a witch traps them and they use teamwork to get out of the witch's house. Something like that… I found some African stories. I found one called a man and his pigeon about a pigeon that was locked in a cage and he could talk. His master went on a walk but before he did, the pigeon asked the man to say hi to all of his pigeon friends. When the man went on a walk all of the pigeons he walked by pretended to be dead and when the man got home, he told his pigeon what they did (pretend to be dead) and he just left them lying there. The next morning the man found his pigeon pretending to be dead so he took the bird out of its cage and threw it in the shrubs behind his house. The pigeon then opened its wings and flew to a high branch. Then he said to the man: "Thank you. You are no longer my master! Those pigeons gave me valuable advice. They showed me how I could be free and leave your cage!" …… That was the story! I like it because the pigeon birds helped him. I think of it like slavery for some reason. He was able to escape! As long as the pigeon is free. :)

    1. Sorry.. That was really long now that I look at it.


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