01 December, 2014

Turkey Bowl

One of my family’s Thanksgiving traditions is a family football game. This year was the 4th annual ‘Turkey Bowl’. My eight year old cousin, Cameron, puts the teams together and assigning coaches, refs,  fans, and a scorekeeper, we even have a trophy for the winning team. Cam stacks the teams in his favor, because if he doesn't win he throws a fit. Therefore everyone has to let Cam win.
Up until the third year he wouldn’t let girls play. I was on the opposite team than Cameron , so I was supposed to let him win. That year the game ended in a tie. Cameron
balled because no one wanted to play and stand in the cold any longer to go into overtime.
Last year we didn’t play, there was too much snow on the ground and it was sooooo cold. This year Cam decided to stack the other team- not his. The teams were my dad, Davin and Trent my older cousins, and my grandpa, vs. Cameron, his dad, Caleb another one of my older cousins and me. My dad’s team ended up winning. Cam actually did a pretty good job with the loss. He went into the shower as soon as he got inside and asked his mom to present the trophy while he was in the shower, and was a pretty good sport about it for the rest of the night.

After the Turkey Bowl we eat dinner and talk. The conversations normally shift to making fun of something that my cousin Caleb has done, from the way he dances to only tattooing half of his body.But that’s a whole nother story...

1 comment:

  1. Ummm...can I get an invite to next year's T-Bowl game?? This cracked me up! Very good job with the post!! Let's hear some of the goofy stories about Caleb!


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