07 December, 2014

My mom's monkey story

When my mom was little, she lived in Nigeria Africa. She lived there because my grandpa was training teachers to be in Africa. While she was there she got a pet monkey and named Piffy. One day my mom and Piffy decided to go for a bike ride. Piffy jumped on my mom’s shoulders and they were off! Once they got going Piffy put his hand over my moms eyes, but she kept riding. All of the sudden my mom felt a warm liquid go down her back. So she stopped realized Piffy had peed all down her back! She was trying to figure out why he had done this because he had never done something like this before. She turned around and there it was. A huge, fat snake. It was slowly moving forwards them and she quickly hopped on her bike and they went home.


  1. Piffy should be renamed!
    But seriously, lucky for your mom she had Piffy there to save the day. Great warning!

  2. I really like your story Elise Essa. I totally agree with Mr. Hopper too it’s a good thing the monkey was there. Your mother could easily be dead right now if it wasn’t for her pet monkey. My question about this story is, is it real and why did your mom live in Africa when she was young.


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