04 December, 2014

The Amazing, Incredible, African Elephant!

Africa is home to over 85 percent of the world’s peculiar creatures: elephants. These kind animal-beings spend their days eating plants and frolliking with friends. Later, they might have a mud bath, or if they aren’t able to, then they will take a bath in water and cover themselves in dust, to take place of the dirt. After all of this work, and elephants don’t sweat! Elephants typically live up to 70 years. Did you know that that is about 150 years younger than the Rougheye Rockfish?

1 comment:

  1. Wow Sal! Rougheye Rockfish live for a very long time! I also looked up Rougheye Rockfish and they can grow to a maximum length of about 97 centimeters! So those fish are definitely very unique. And now about the elephants. Is it just me or doesn’t an elephant's life sound super relaxing and awesome! Some parts of the week especially I would love to do what they do!


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