04 December, 2014

Boy From Kenya

A thirteen year old boy from Kenya saved his and other people's animals from lions. His name is Richard Turere and he lives right next to Nairobi National Park, where lions live. Their only male cow that they have was killed by a lion. He had to find a way to keep the lions away from the animals, and their home. Richard tried to use fire, but that didn't work. After that he tried to use lights but it still didn't work. Then he got parts from his Mom's new radio, the blinkers of a motorcycle and some other materials and made a blinking light that scared the lions away. He also made this for other people he lived near. I think that Richard did a very good job. Do you?


1 comment:

  1. He actually got the parts from the junkyard and strung them up at the end of the fence that was open, but he figured out to use light from trying kerosene lamps and an scarecrow, but he noticed they whould go away when there were moving or blinking lights so after that realization he used solar cells to charge car batteries, and the batteries to power the leds, car flashers and many other lights. So do you think you could have set that all up?


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