04 December, 2014

The Gods Of Egypt

The gods of Ancient Egypt, I think, are very interesting . The fact that they had so many gods, and were able to keep track of 100+   gods, would be pretty hard! They have different gods for different things. for instance, Rea, the sun god, who is told to be in the shape of a hawk, or Osiris, the god who took the pharaohs to the afterlife. All the gods had different stories also. They had a life before they became gods, or if they were born to godly parents, their life as a godly child. In my opinion, it would be extremely annoying to keep track of all of them. There was a sacrificial day where you had to sacrifice to ALL the gods, and if you didn’t, you would be “punished” by the gods. Would you be able to know all of them?


  1. I don't think I would be able to keep track of all those gods. I can barely remember my parents birthdays. And if there was 100+ how do they keep track of all them?! Plus you would be Punished if you didn't know them that's terrible! But to conclude no I don't think I could remember all of them.

  2. I think that is really cool. I also wonder how they would remember and keep track of all those Gods. It must be pretty cool to be a God, huh? I wonder if all these Gods are true? Do you think they are? That's kinda sad that all those people had to sacrifice things. Did you know that they would also sacrifice humans?


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