02 December, 2014

"... And You're Gonna Hear Them Roar!"

Leela Hazzah would spend her summer nights as a kid atop her house on the roof. She would always wonder why she didn't hear anything. One day, her father had told her that she couldn't hear the lions roar because they had been extinct for a long time in Egypt. "That was the moment when I decided I knew what I wanted to do," Leela said. "I wanted to hear lions roaring." Now, Leela is now thirty-five and is devoted to saving lions. When she moved to Kenya she saw how the lions would “disappear” due to habitat loss and lion-human conflict. Leela started a nonprofit organization that turns Maasai warriors who have a tradition of killing lions, into lion protectors. Leela said "I know we're making a difference. When I first moved here, I never heard lions roaring. But now I hear lions roaring all the time." Leela wanted to hear the lions roar; do you have an animal you want to see or hear?


  1. To answer your question, I do want to hear and see the Snow Leopards. They are very endangered and only live in Siberia. I believe that saving endangered animals is thee best thing in the world. The best thing about animals is that they can't communicate with people, otherwise they would be humans like us. Every animal is unique and special, so if they become, extinct then there would be no animals in the world ever being seen and heard fresh with your eyes and ears. Even the spiders and mosquitoes are as precious from ever corner and wall from any part of the world. The hunters destroy and don't care, because they only want to have fun, so they become bullies in a cheating way. Every time I ask someone why, they say "because it's fun". Now seriously ... think about that. Is that a good excuse? To me that is 100% excuse. Do I take that? No way. If you're a hunter think about what I've said and think hard, because if you hunt, especially endangered animals to extinction, then you'll never see them or hear them fresh ever again.

  2. I want to hear the fox. WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY!?! I didn't know lions used to live in Egypt. Also, did she have internet? Can she listen to a recording of a lion? Isn't it illegal to change a cultural tradition? Did she live in Egypt? So many questions...


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