04 December, 2014

Lions Can Make Peace With Humans!

Richard Turere, a 13 year old from Kenya, made an amazing invention to stop lions from eating livestock. When one of the lions ate his one and only bull, he was furious and did not like lions. Then he decided he was going to try and stop this problem. First, he tried building a scarecrow. When the lions saw the scarecrow, they went away on the first day, but came back on the second. Then, Richard saw that the lions saw him carrying a torch and did not come back for two days. Richard figured out that they are scared of moving light. This sparked a new idea. Richard took a car battery, a radio, and wires to make a series of blinking lights. He used the car battery to operate the blinking lights which were associated with the car he used. He used the radio for the switch that turned it on and off. Then he used the wires to transfer the electricity. This idea eventually spread all over Kenya and Richard got a scholarship to a school. Would you support Richard?


  1. Yes I would support Richard and his invention,I was also wonder what school he got a scholarship to and if it is in America or in Africa.He had to be pretty smart to be able to figure that out.Then again I wouldn't be afraid for just my lions I would be afraid for my-self to.Did you know a average male lion can weigh up to 420 pounds?Also lions kill 1500 to 2000 people a year.Would you be afraid of lions if you lived where Richard did?

  2. Tyler, are you sure of the 1500-2000 kill rate? Can either of you try to verify this?

  3. On http://www.viralnova.com/animals-that-kill-humans/ it said that they kill about 70 people each year.I would be afraid of lions if I lived where Richard did.


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