09 October, 2017

How to be Creative

I disagree with the Calvin and Hobbes cartoon, but not completely. I agree with the fact that creativity is a requires a certain mood, but I disagree with the opinion that this mood has to be last-minute panic. I of course can't speak for any other people. I know there are people out there that are helped by a last-minute panic type of mood, but I, personally, are not one of them. For me, last-minute panic only induces writer's block and large amounts of excess stress. I think the best mood for being creative is a relaxed mood. You should also not be tired or hungry. What do you think would be the best mood?


  1. I think the best mood to be in is either bored or ecstatic. This is because if you're bored, you are thinking of random things and a story idea might pop into your head! When your ecstatic, you might tell a joke or have been told a joke and that gives you a story idea. For me though, (credit goes to a youtuber, TheOdd1sOut) if somebody tells me something that's normal or uninteresting, I make it funny. I think of something that I like, is funny, or weird. Then, I use the boring thing/item and turn it into a story using an idea of mine. In order to think of this, I have to be bored or ecstatic. How do you think of ideas?

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  3. I agree with your post, Ben, I agree that creativity needs a mood. It can't be last minute panic because that is not a good thing. to finally realize at the the last minute is not a good strategy for creativity. I think that you did good by saying, "I of course speak for other people", showing that this is your opinion and it gives more of a feel like you are talking to someone. Excess stress is perfect wording to describe last minute panic when working on something. to me, the best mood would be a relaxed mood because you have nothing bothering you and you can think more.


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