13 October, 2017

Fun Money? Try These.

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If I had a spare $25 I would go one of three places. Target, 5 and Below or Tom’s Grocery Store. Target is the place to be if you want any toys, games, or snacks such as soda, chips and others. And 5 Below has a massive selection of candy and sweets, so if that is how you’re feeling then that’s where you want to go. But both of these places are kind of far to walk or bike from my house. My personal favorite place to spend spare cash is Tom’s. It is within 10 minutes of my house by bike and has a lot of snacks. If ever I am craving some soda, potato chips, hot Cheetos, or Gummy Bears I can count on Tom’s to deliver. My best friend Hudson Grienke and I ride our bikes up there often. Have you ever been there? If not give it a try!


  1. Beckett I loved to go to Tom's when I used to live close. The only sad thing is is that I don't live near any more.I will usually go when I go back to the neighborhood I love to go to toms. Do you like to go with anyone else besides Hudson?

  2. Hey Beckett, I like that you like Target and get snacks and food there. When I went there when I was younger, I liked getting a cherry Icee and popcorn, but they don't have that anymore, which I hate a lot. When you were younger, did you like getting Icee's there?


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