12 October, 2017

♫ Do Re Mi Pizza Too Big For Me ♫

Is Whole Foods Pizza Just Too Big?

      We all know (or should know) that pizza at Whole Foods is just the greatest! But, it may seem to some people (including myself) that it's just TOO BIG! I just hate it (or ate it) when people try to argue with me that you could just cut the pieces in half because simply, I don't want feel like I have to eat it all. Well if I do think about how it would be if they did have different sizes I guess that would actually kind of obsolete. Well I mean that it could be a pretty big waste of money and time for Whole Foods and probably wouldn't benefit them very well in the long run so... I guess they should keep it the same for now. Well do you guys think Whole Foods has nice sizable pieces or should times change!


  1. The sizes are fine, because if you don't finish it all, just take it home and have the rest later. Although I really like the mac 'n cheese they have(although I like most mac 'n cheese when think about it). Whole foods is cool that way. they have all these foods to buy, but then they have this buffet that has food already made, so you can buy groceries and get lunch in the same place.

  2. I think Whole Foods pizza is not to big. I mean it's pizza who wouldn't want bigger pizza! But Grant does have a point that it is one huge slice of pizza. The first time I had it I got two slices not knowing how big they were and I was full before I even finished the first piece. Now that you have my input on it would you have Whole Foods make there pizza smaller or keep it as is?


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