01 May, 2015


One of the aspects of life in Japan that I thought was interesting was their pod hotels. I thought it was very cool how they could have all the aspects of a normal hotel room but have it all fit into such a small space. I think that it would be a good idea to also have these in America because I think that it would appeal to the younger generations, such  as people like me. I would expect these places to smell like fresh laundry, which would make the whole experience even better. The aspect that I found interesting (in a strange way) was the wave pool. It makes me wonder why someone would even want to go there. Imagine if you had to go to the bathroom and you were in the middle of that. I think that it would smell like chlorine and urine (due to the amount of people in there).


  1. Did you know most of the pod hotels spaces are two meters by 44 centimeters, so it’s about the size of a refrigerator box? It would not be good for someone claustrophobic, or someone with a lot of stuff. People pay four hundred dollars a month. I think that is a lot for a room that size. You should read Brooke’s post Claustrophobic Much??? I agree that it would be awful. Could you live in a small space.

  2. When you said that you think that it would be a great idea to have these in America, I was pretty sure that America would have it because it seems really modern from the pictures I saw on Google. It turns out that they have one in New York City! Just like Josh said, I think you should look at Brooke’s post. Let’s say you went to New York City. Would you stay in one of those pod capsules?


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