01 May, 2015

Population in India

When you go to India you see animals all over the place. There are cows roaming the roads and bulls that sleep in front of your car. The smells outside are so weird and disgusting. The smells when you enter a house are sweet and spicy because of the curries and sweets that are placed in circles on a table. When you look outside there are so many people walking around and people selling vegetables and toys. They scream at the top of there lungs that even the person on a apartment that is 5 stories long could hear them and come buy stuff. India is a busy country.

1 comment:

  1. hey Shreeya great job. I'd love to visit India one day but I wouldn't like to live there because there is a really big population. India seem a really nice place to visit for few days not more or less. I also like the Indian food but its a little spicy for me. When I usually got to Indian restaurants I ask for no spicy but I still feel the spiciness. it is just too much for me to handle. Would you like to visit Or live in India?


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