06 May, 2018

3 New Foods you've never heard of *MUST READ*

These are some bizarre foods that I don't think you will ever try but they still interesting, I guess. The first food I will talk about is Tilli In Pune sounds interesting, but looks like worms in rice. Just look at this picture would you want it in your mouth or on your table right next to you.
Image result for Tilli in pune

Doesn't that look disgusting. The next food is Hilsa Eggs in Bengal it looks a little bit better then the last food but still is disgusting. It is caviar that is fried and is served as a snack and can also be served as a main dish.
Image result for hilsa egg in bengal
Still looks bad but what do you expect when your reading 3 bizarre foods in India. The last food of your tour is Bhunni from Gnarwal. To be honest it looks like dry steak cut small and put into a bowl, But it's actually made with goat liver, guts, and blood. I would never eat that.
 Image result for bhunni from garhwal
Well thank you for reading my bizarre food tour!

1 comment:

  1. your right Alex those are gross and I would never want to eat any of them I really liked how you showed pictures of all of them even though they were nasty. I also like enthusiastic you were it made me laugh a lot. But I think that you could add a little more detail. And another thing was that 2 of your pictures didn't work and your formatting is a little messed up and you could fix that but overall it was really good and I liked it.


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