02 May, 2018

Red Ant Chutney... Yum

Because I have been out of America before, I have seen some pretty weird foods, like fried scorpions on a stick, fried maggots on a stick, and anything else you can think of fried on a stick. But I have never been to India before, and boy do they have some bizarre foods. One of these said foods is red ant chutney. Everybody has heard of these little buggers, ruining your picnic, but now, you can ruin their picnic! This great dish is prepared by CRUSHING THE LIFE OUT OF THE ANTS AND THEIR UNBORN EGGS, then letting that dry in the sun. After you let them dry add your desired spices and some tomato sauce. It is optional to further cook with onions and oil. The red ant chutney adds a  little bit of extravagance and fire to your usual, boring diet. But, not only does it add some flavor to your meal, it has really great medical benefits too! This dish is filled with formic acid. This stuff has many antibacterial properties that can help combat bacterial infections in our digestive system. The formic acid in the ants gives the chutney its characteristic hot and spicy flavor. The chutney is also known to have a decent amount of protein, calcium, and zinc which is good for the immune system. So not only will you get a spicy kick out of eating this dish, it will give your digestive system a spicy boost! Image result for spicy food gif


  1. I agree, there are some pretty weird foods in Asia. while I was in Japan my mom found a deep fried starfish on a stick. I was only 5 so I was stupid and ate it, I almost broke my tooth...

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  3. Yeah, some foods in India are weird. I find it strange how they use ants in their food, but hey, you do what you got to do! I mean, having ants in your food sounds really bad, but they help us combat bacterial infections in our digestive systems, so it is actually good for you! You should see the "Bizarre or exotic?" post because it speaks about many other strange and bizarre foods in India.

  4. I agree. I feel like ants just don't sound like something appetizing that I would eat. But then again, I 've never really tried eating ants. I wonder how this dish was created. Did someone just say, one day, "Shoot, I can't find anything to eat today!" and start cooking ants? Regardless, the ants seem to be good for you. I think you should look at Tim's post, which is also about strange foods. Red ant chutney is also mentioned in his.

  5. I would never eat ants if i was paid a million dollars. I wonder what other food they have that are similar to that? I can't believe that it's actually good for you! I'm surprised that it isn't popular in America yet because it's so good for you. I like how you could add spices and anything you want to them that might make the ant taste go away. I also think that It's weird that ants are spicy.


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