03 May, 2018

Pakistani Cuisine

Image result for biryani

There are many delicious foods in Pakistan. I chose Pakistan because I am from there so I already know about most of the food such as Biryani, Nihari, and Roti. My favorite Pakistani dish is Biryani. Especially my mom's biryani because she puts some potato in it.

Biryani is spicy rice with meat of your choice. There are many different types of Biryani such as:

  • Beef Biryani
  • Hyderabadi Biryani
  • Sindhi Biryani
  • Afghan Biryani
  • Sri Lankan biryani             

Another very popular dish from Pakistan is daal chawal. Daal chawal is lentils on top of rice.

                                                      Would you want to eat these two foods?


  1. These foods sound DELICIOUS! I like how you told us about your Moms' Biryani and how it has potatoes in it. I like how you included a few different types of Biryani on your post. I also really liked the picture of Biryani that you found. The picture on Daal chawal is very nice also. (Personally, I have a soft spot for beef so I think I would like the beef Biryani best.) Overall your post was very nice.

    1. Also, you should go read Vincent' post about red and chutney. Even though it's not from Pakistan, I think it is a fun read and shows some cool foods of India. (I at first forgot to add this part of the comment so just pretend that this is part of the comment I made before)


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