01 May, 2018

Amazing Things To Do For Fun In Nepal!

      If you think that all countries do the same boring and old activities for fun, you are very much wrong! Nepal isn't just exciting because the tallest mountain is there. It's because there are so many entertainment and sports! Some of these activities include mountain horse polo, bull racing, sheep fighting, and archery. Adding on, they don't just do old school sports, there's also swimming, volleyball, tennis, martial arts, boxing, wrestling, kho kho, kabaddi, weightlifting, basketball, shooting, badminton, and golf. Also, there are festivals to participate in. Want to take a guess how many festivals are celebrated each year? If you said 51 or higher, you're correct! Yes, there are over 50 festivals each year in Nepal. Would you like to go to Nepal now?

Image result for kho kho

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Solid writing skilz and I learned quite a bit...well done!


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