01 May, 2018

Holi Holi Holi

     I have advice for you. If you ever go to India go when it is Holi.  India has three main holidays. They are Holi, Diwali, and Pongal. Holi is important because it is the holiday celebrating the triumph of good over evil. It is like how David beat Goliath. Usually when it it Holi we go to the temple in all white clothes. After we are done praying we all go outside. Than the Euyor (Indian Priest) take the paint from the basement. After that everyone and I mean everyone starts throwing paint at people. At the end we look like the picture below. Than we eat a big feast. Unlike stereotypical Indian cuisine we do not eat meat during holidays except Diwali.  Now my question to you, are any of your holidays as fun as holi?
Image result for holi gif
Now my 


  1. I really liked how you talked from personal experience about this festival. I think it is really cool how you start out by praying in nice white clothes but then afterwards get paint all over yourselves it sounds really fun. All that good food at the very end sounds like the best part though. I think that you should check out Sophia’s blog because even though you don’t get to pour paint all over yourselves, it is still and India and seems really fun.

  2. I really liked how you gave lots of details about Holi and about how it is celebrated. I also really like how you gave an example about how good beat evil. I think that you should read Ritish's post about Pongal, even though he talks about a different Indian Holiday. He gives some good points about why it is celebrated and he gives some good facts about it. You did a good job on your blog post though!


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