12 May, 2018


Image result for momoImage result for normal food from nepal
There are many interesting food is nepal. The ones I found most interesting is Momo.Momo is a type of South Asian dumpling native to Tibet, Nepal, and the Sikkim, Assam and Darjeeling regions of India. Momo is similar to chinese 
baozi and jiaozi. Also there are many other foods that people in nepal eat on a regular bases. Dal is eaten throughout Nepal. Dal is a soup made of lentils and spices, served over boiled grain, that's usually rice but sometimes another vegetable currytarkari. Condiments are usually small amounts of extremely spicy pickle which can be fresh or fermented.

1 comment:

  1. Meghan, I love how your post was so interesting. It is very interesting that in Nepal they call a dumpling a Momo. The Dal sounds pretty good. Meghan your post is like Joel's because you are both talking about Nepal but you talk about foods and he talks about Mt.Everest. I wonder why their condiments are usually small amounts of extremely spicy pickle? Again, Meghan, I love how much detail you put in your essay it was great to read.


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