02 May, 2018


Aluwa is a delicious looking dessert from Sri Lanka! The recipe doesn't seem that hard, and the treat looks very appetizing!
Image result for Aluwa
It's made from treacle, cashew, potatoes, flour, etc! It looks like a cookie and probably tastes very sweet! I'd like to try this someday. Depending on what image you look at, all of them make the dessert appear very savvy! I don't have the skills to make this though, but if anyone can, that is awesome! (honestly, I can't really cook or bake.) This is just one of many Sri Lanka's desserts, check out the rest! They all look very appetizing! 
Signing out~
 okay bye :D
Image result for aluwa

1 comment:

  1. I never heard of Sri Lanka's desserts before. I'm happy I got to know another food culture :) Oh,and I didn't know that the first and second picture were the same dessert. The first looks like qyoza sticked together(?) and the second looks like fudge! It would be fun to make my own shaped Aluwa. Well.. i'm not a good baker either, haha


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