02 May, 2018

Nowruz the New Year

On March 21st Afghanistan people come together to celebrate the New Year. During the Taliban rule Nowruz was not allowed this was from (1996-2001). The Guli Surkh Festival which means the festival of red flowers (referring to tulips). The first forty days of the year is when the tulips start growing. New Years started as a persian but spread toward the rest of the middle east. In Nowruz Afghanistan would marks the start of the picnic season. Afghanistan people make a Nowruz table or a haft seen. In contains seven items that are wheat,sweet pudding,Persian olive,vinegar,apple garlic,sumac. This holiday means a lot for this country because it has been allowed. I do celebrate this holiday but it is so cool how other countries do it.


  1. This seems like lots of fun!! Why does it mark the start of picnics? The food looks really good in the picture. What are the seven symbols? How long does this last? Do they dress up? Why is this celebrated on the 21st of march? Do they have a party with just family or friends too? why didn't he allow this holiday? did he not like it? Where did this holiday come from? Why are red tulips so special?


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