04 May, 2018

Sri Lanka: WARNING! My Stupidity will be Shown..Shield your Brain!

What do you picture when you hear Sri Lanka? If you're a person that doesn't imagine one of Nicki Minaj's rap songs while the music is blasting so loud it feels like your brain is gonna melt and ooze out of your ears...then you are normal...unlike me. But there is more to Sri Lanka than just the name or the vision you get after hearing the name. One thing you probably didn't know is the food, one of the most common food eaten there is a plate of rice and curry, simple yet delicious, my type of food. And just sayin' I already tried that before...ehm...from the...cough cough...supermarket...but it would be nice if I get to try the real authentic type. Also, there are a lot of different festivals like, Duruthu Poya, or good Friday, but the one that really caught my attention was the Vesak Poya, which is the festival of lights. That's where they launch fireworks and lights, which is the best because my favorite holiday is July 4th because of the fireworks. Some of the languages they use include Tamil, Sinhala, or English. So, after writing about this, I'm debating running away to Sri Lanka...Nicki Minaj, here I come!!!!


  1. ummm. yeah. sure. (i am seriosly doubting your sanity)

  2. When I hear Sri Lanka I think of a country full of water, I know weird. Actually something that I know about the food is that there food is very weird just like there country, and I don't like rice that's why I think there country is very weird. Just to let you know if you try the real authentic type of wierd rice it will make you throw up just like Mr.Hopper's weird baby in his blog post,

  3. When I think of Sri Lanka, I can't really think about anything except something that's probley Indian. I should probley look up a picture of Sri Lanka. Anyway, I don't know anything about Sri Lanka so this was (vaguely) helpful. I have never had Ski Lanka food before. I have never heard of these festiviles before either. Yeah, this proves I know nothing about Sri Lanka at all. I whould like to try real Sri Lanka food and see what it's like. That is all I have to say.

  4. When I think of Sri Lanka I think of sriracha sauce (yes, I know I am crazy). It is only because of the name though. I don’t actually know much about Sri Lanka besides the fact that it is in Asia and I believe it is located right below India.
    I love how you incorporated humor into your writing, it really gives your piece a voice that truly resembles your personality. The brain part made me laugh out loud, I really like your writing Zainah!


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