02 May, 2018

Maldives Festivals

Maldives festivals are the best you should come and have a blast with everyone. There are other 6 different festivals, from Ramadan to Eid festival. Some important festivals are. The festival Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim date book. After 30 days of fasting the festival takes place. It last for a day. National day is the day that reminds us of the triumph of Mohammed over the Portuguese in 1573. Independence Day, after being a British Protectorate for around 78 years in 1965 they got there freedom. Those are just some festival that are in Maldives there are many more for you to explore and admire. So why not come and enjoy that wonders of Maldives and its festivals.

Image result for maldives festivals

1 comment:

  1. I found it really intresting how they have 6 different festivals. I liked how you added the year of there independence. I also found your title very intresting. Would you want to celebrate six different festivals? I liked your post but I think you should have made the first word of the first sentence capitalized. I think you should look at Matt C.s post. You guys have similar titles. You guys also both talked about different types of festivals.


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