03 May, 2018

Popular Foods in Myanmar!

Myanmar is home to many strange foods, some of which I've never tried but am hoping to try one day. A very unique but popular food in Myanmar is tea leaf salad. This dish can be a meal, snack, or appetizer. To make this dish, the sour, slightly biter leaves are mixed by hand with shredded cabbage, sliced tomatoes, crunchy deep-fried beans, nuts and peas, a splash of garlic oil and pungent slices of chili and garlic. It also goes well with a plate of rice.
Lephet thoke can be a meal, snack or appetizer. 
Another very popular food in Myanmar is Burmese curry. A visit to a Burmese restaurant is more than just a meal, it's a culinary experience. It's typically a meaty, somewhat oily, curry based around
shrimp, pork, or fish.
Delicious burmese curry.
Mohinga is another popular food in Myanmar. Mohinga is Myanmar's unofficial national dish. It is mostly used as a breakfast dish, but is sold by mobile vendors. It can be a common snack at any time of the day. Toppings include a slice of hard boiled egg, deep-fried vegetables, and or flakes of dried chili.
Rice noodles served in a hearty, herbal fish-and shallot-based broth, mohinga is often called Myanmar's national dish.
There are many different types of foods in Myanmar. These are the foods that I thought seemed would be the most interesting, but out of all of them, I would like to try the Mohinga because it is the unofficial national dish of Myanmar and it looks the best in my opinion. If you went to Myanmar what dish would you be most excited to try and why? 

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